Subintegra | Benefits of Plants Aloes - Maybe some big From kita Still Not Know aloes wood, wood Yang skin berasl of aloes and usually grow well in tropical regions WITH altitude of 750 meters above sea level. Based on the findings of several research institutions, agarwood tree Growing WITH Good if the land could ditumbuhinya hardwood trees. And earlier Currently agarwood trees grow in this region, many of Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua.

Subintegra | Benefits of Plants Aloes - Maybe some big From kita Still Not Know aloes wood, wood Yang berasl From the bark of aloes and usually grow well in the area is Tropical WITH height of 750 meters from sea level. Based on the findings of several research Institutions, agarwood tree Growing WITH Good if the land Which can ditumbuhinya hardwood trees. And earlier Currently agarwood tree grows in the area is a lot of Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua.

The numerous benefits and high resale value make this aloes wood to be excellent for the farmers, not even just eaglewood who have economic value, for any leaf size can be made into a tea which is very nutritious.

Benefits of Tea Plant material Agarwood
- As an anti-oxidant
- Good Tuk people with insomnia / sleeplessness for tea aloes depress the central nervous system, causing a calming effect
- As for a hangover
- Helps degrading cholesterol stage
- Helps relieve tension / hiperten si / stress
- Helps reduce toxic in the body
- Reduce the levels of blood pressure and sugar on high

Agar Wood contains resin or mastic that emit distinctive aroma with fragrance. From the aroma eaglewood very popular even particularly liked by the people of countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, mainland China, Korea, and Japan so required as a raw material of the perfume industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, incense, and preservatives various types of accessories as well as for religious activities, agarwood has long been familiar to the Buddhists, and Hindus.

Here are some benefits that can be drawn from eaglewood
- Aloes wood as a raw material Dupa (makmul) and Hio and can be used as material for aroma therapy
- Aloes wood as a raw material medicines and perfume / fragrance
- Aloes wood as a raw material for making agarwood oil, Soap, Shampoo fragrant and various beauty products
- Aloes wood as raw material for craft and carving

      About Plants Agarwood

       About Plants Agarwood
      About the Agarwood Plants - Agarwood is a timber shaped materials containing resin or resin and when burned will emit a distinctive scent.

      Export commodity has a high value in both the national and international markets so as to help increase incomes. Agarwood trade in the world known as agarwood, aloe wood, and eagle wood, oud (the Middle East), and Cing (China).
      Agarwood is obtained from parts (roots, stems, branches) agarwood trees with the names of the regions include: calabac, Karas, kekaras, mengkaras (Dayak), galoop (Malay), Halim (Lampung), pious (Batak), kareh (Minang ), age (Sorong), bokuin (Morotai), lason (Seram), Ketimunan (Lombok), ruhuwama (Sumba), and must admit that (Flores). There are several types of agarwood trees, among others, which are currently being cultivated by people in Indonesia is kind Gyrinops spp. And Aquilaria spp. Both types produce agarwood with high quality so very interested in the community to be cultivated.
      Scent or fragrance by burning simply done by many Middle Eastern societies (such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman) as fragrances, body and space, while the use of more varied widely practiced in China, Korea, and Japan-like material industrial raw perfume, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, incense, and preservatives various types of accessories as well as for the purposes of religious activity
      Eaglewood cultivation
      At first agarwood trees are often found in natural forests, but aloes uncontrolled hunting since the 1980s as a result of high consumer demand led to the tree aloes in increasingly scarce natural. To meet consumer demand is still high, then the way to do is to cultivate or grow back either in the forest or on lands belonging to the community. Cultivation of agarwood has done since the 1990s and continues to thrive in parts of Indonesia, especially by people on the island of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Lombok. Since the last 5 years, people in Java became interested and busy-busy planting tree seedlings aloes his lands. Cultivation of agarwood trees growing rapidly it is expected to be able to produce agarwood well to meet consumer demand and increase incomes. The cultivation of agarwood trees is one of the medium-term investment with promising results.
      Agarwood trees can grow well in soil plains to the hills until it reaches an altitude of 800 meters above sea level with a soft sandy clay soil conditions (pH: 4.0 to 6.0). The pattern of agarwood tree planting can be done with monoculture (equivalent) and poly (mixture). Planting of monoculture performed in vacant land with a distance of 2 x 2 m, 2 x 3 m and 3 x 3 m. While planting a polyculture patterns can be done in conjunction with other crops such as cocoa, rubber, coffee, palm oil, Albizia, or planted in the yard cultivation of existing collection of plants (enrichment).

      How Eaglewood Cultivation

      Subintegra | Eaglewood Cultivation Method - Selection of Species Aquilaria malaccensis, A. microcarpa and A. crassna is the species with the aroma-producing pig aloes highly favored Middle East community, so it has the highest price.
      Agarwood-producing trees can be planted from the lowlands to the mountains with an altitude of 750 m above sea level.
      Introducing and How to Plant a Tree Producers Agarwood (Aquilaria.sp: (Aquilaria beccariana, malacensis, microcarpa and the like)
      Planting seed agarwood-producing trees should be done at the beginning of the rainy season in the morning until 11:00, and can be resumed at 4 pm the next.
      Clean the Land for the purposes of making hole, to facilitate the handling should be performed pengajiran / peg with dimensions as desired (experience 5 x 5 meters).
      Dig a hole land size of 50 x 50 x 50 cm. Separate between the dugouts and dugouts on the bottom allow for ± 15 days.
      Then take Gaharu tree seedlings ready to plant and remove the torn wrapping / polybag and close dugouts as usual. (Seeds should have been placed at the site two weeks prior to planting gardens and planting in the afternoon in the rainy season).
      Prepare manure or compost that will replace ground down (entered in advance).
      Fertilizer requirements are relatively small namely NPK 10-50 g / 6 months. If the plants are infected mikoreza it does not need much fertilizer.
      Make a roof for protection from leaf weeds if monoculture gardens / open until the plant was 18 months, after which the land can be opened. Maintenance
      Fertilization can be done once three months, but can also every 6 months to compost as much as 3 kg through pendangiran under canopy. The use of chemical fertilizers such as NPK and compound can also be added every three months with a low dose (5 g / plant) after the plant was 1 year, then the dose increases according to the size of the plant stem.
      Pests of plants / trees gaharu to note is white lice that live on the lower leaf surface, when moist environmental conditions. Prevention is by trimming and pruning shade trees to catch the sunlight followed by spraying of pesticides such as Tiodane, Decis, and Reagent. Weeding can be done once three months or when deemed necessary. Tips for proper maintenance agarwood tree cultivation: Bottom hole filled planting time manure / compost.
      End of rainy season / beginning of dry season crops need to be dangir / cleaned grass surrounding areas to prevent fires. 
      The beginning of the rainy season and early dry NPK fertilizer tablets should be given 10-50 g tree.
      Spacing is ideal for agarwood-producing trees at least 2 x 3 meters or adjust the mix of crops such as rubber, banana, papaya and others.

      Agarwood Plant Business Analysis

      Subintegra | Business Analysis Plant Eaglewood - the land area of ​​2,000 m2 (140 tiles), Term 10 Years. Denagn Jatropha Planting 3 X 4 Total land area of ​​2,000 m2 (assuming 50 m X 40 m) planted aloes Simply fit as much as 180 rods
      Here is a breakdown of the costs and benefits of the cultivation of agarwood-producing trees:
      1. Costs
      Own costs us differentiate into three, namely: cost of phase 1 (seedlings, planting and care in the first year), the cost of phase 2 (treatment plant in year 2 to year 7), and the cost of phase 3 (inoculation and post treatment inoculating the 8th to the 10th year).
      a. Cost of phase 1: Purchase of seeds 180btng @ 25.000 = USD. 4,500,000 Manure 500kg @ Rp.250 = Rp. 125.000 Pesticides (furadan, stiko, etc. = Rp. 150,000 Workers planting = Rp. 50,000 Care workers = Rp. 300,000         TOTAL = Rp. 5.125 million b. Cost stage 2:
      Care workers = Rp. 1,000,000
      fertilizer = Rp. 750,000 fertilizer factory = Rp. 1,000,000 pesticides = Rp. 900,000 care workers = Rp. 1,800,000        TOTAL = Rp. 4.45 million c. Cost stage 3: Purchase of 180 bottles of Fusarium sp @ 100,000 = Rp. 18,000,000 Power inoculant = Rp. 36,000,000
      Assuming that inoculation success rate is 75%, from 180 stems of plants only produce 135 trees that could be harvested. One of the aloe tree with inoculation period of 3 years resulted in an average of 2 kg of pig, kemedangan 10 kg, and 20 kg of ash. So that the resulting total of 135 rods is 270 kg pig, kemedangan 1,350 kg and 2,700 kg of ash.
      Workers harvest = Rp. 10,000,000        TOTAL = Rp. 65,000,000       Overall the number of a + b + c = Rp. 74.575 million 2. Acceptance Sapwood 270 kg @ Rp.7.000.000 = Rp.1.890.000.000 Kemedangan 1,350 kg @ Rp.2.000.000 = Rp.2.700.000.000 Abu 2,700 kg @ 200.000 = Rp. 540 million
      Thus, an investment of 74 million, has the potential to produce 5 billion rupiah in the past 10 years. Over time, land prices also increased. There is no harm in the investment in the garden? How Are You Interested !!
                Total = Rp. 3. Gains Revenue - Cost = Rp. - Rp. 74.575 million = Rp.5.055.425.000
      The average age of 7 years perpohon aloes dengn inoculation period of 3 years (year 8 to year 10), generating 25 million more.