Cradle OF Flith Ke Jakarta Lagi 2018


Bisingkali - Dengan Sangat penuh Bangga Mengabarkan Bahwa Cradle Of Flith  Mengkonfirmasi Lewat Website Resmi Mereka Akan datang Ke Jakarta Indonesia,Ya Untuk Melakukan Tour Mereka ,Bukan Kali Pertamakali Nya Mereka Ke Indonesia ,Menurut BisingKali Dari Stamen Mereka di Website nya Bahwasanya Mereka sangat Bangga Pada MetalHead Indonesia dan Antusias Nya TerhadapMusik Mereka
oke langsung saja Kita check Stamen Mereka di Website nya cekidot

"Cradle of Filth are very excited to announce the latest show in the Cryptoriana World Tour, their first headline show in Indonesia.

The event will take place at:
MS Hall Vicky Sianipar
Jalan Minangkabau No.43 Jakarta, Indonesia

Tickets go on sale January 18th and can be purchased from: " dan Bila di Terjemahkan kurang Jauh Seperti

" Cradle of Filth sangat antusias untuk mengumumkan pertunjukan terbaru di Cryptoriana World Tour, tajuk utama pertama mereka di Indonesia.

Acara akan berlangsung di:
MS Hall Vicky Sianipar
Jalan Minangkabau No.43 Jakarta, Indonesia

Tiket mulai dijual 18 Januari dan bisa dibeli dari:"

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About Coconut Pandan Wangi

Seeds Coconut Pandan Wangi is coconut Yang introduced more low TYPES OF Year Of Thailand 1971. Thailand is called the coconut palm singer Makprow Nam Horm. The specialty coconut is the best singer and the contents of her fruit scented pandan And Feels you Fresh IF in Eating and drinking. Singer Very nutritious palm hearts stamina Maintain body like kita drinking isotonic solution

Fragrant pandan coconut tree height can reach 6 meters. Bunches and green fruit. Small fruit rounded triangular shape underneath. A water content of about 330 ml coconut pandan.
Pandan coconut can be planted at a distance of 6 m x 6 m, in one hectare can reach 208 staple or high density can also reach 400 stems in one hectare with a distance of 5 m x 5 m.
Fragrant pandan coconut fruit planting the first time at the age of 3 years with good care by fertilizing and watering enough. At the age of 3 years have not been up spending the fruit around 40-50%, and at the age of 4 years 100% new. Within a year pandan coconut issued bunches 12-18 bunches. Each fruit bunch has 10-15 seeds coconut. Within a year could bear fruit around 130-175 young fruit fresh.

Bunches of young coconuts can be learned after the age of 6 to 6.5 months, this can be seen by looking at the young fruit bunches to be picked, then a young fruit bunches which are under bunches of fruit to be picked, and the bunches of fruit in the form sheath also beneath it is located above one another.
 For reservations please contact us Sell seeds Seeds Coconut Pandan Wangi

How to Plant Maintenance Agarwood

How to Plant Maintenance Agarwood - After the stage of field planting, the plants need to get a good maintenance in order to grow in line with expectations. Aloe plant maintenance includes pruning, weed control, and the control of pests and plant diseases

 1. Pruning
Aloe plant needs to be trimmed so that it grows faster and has a good shape so that the shape of the rod to be ideal for an injection and harvested. Pruning branches of the plant can be started at the age of 1-4 years with 4-8 leaves branches on it. At the age of 3 or 4 years, the trees need to be cut so that the taste is not very high, the expected high of approximately 3-4 m. pruning is continued until 5-6 years old plants. Plants that have fruit can disunti mushrooms pig aloes to get a pig gaharu.

2. Weed Control
Weeds are wild plants, such as grasses and shrubs grow if left uncontrolled can lead terngganggunya staple crop. This is because weeds can become rivals in getting nutrients in the soil and can be the host or the persistence of plant pests. Too many Gulam growing in the crop will increase humidity in the garden, especially in the rainy season so that a suitable environment for the development of the cause of plant diseases, such as fungus. Therefore, the growth of weeds must be controlled regularly with the following objectives.

a. Staple crops free from competition for food.
b. Gardens of humidity so as to reduce the incidence of disease in staple crops.
c. Can suppress the development of pests which attack plants dapt staple.
d. Looks clean and well-maintained gardens.
e. Make it easier to perform maintenance activities, such as fertilization, pest control, and pruning.

Methods of weed control can be done with the following steps.

a. Weed control is done by mendangir soil around the plants in a radius of 0.75 cm.
b. Weed control can be done using a herbicide. When using herbicides, should be done very carefully so as not on staple crops because it can result in death of the plant.
c. Weed control can be done at least 1-2 times a year, depending on the circumstances of weeds.

Weeds are wild plants, such as grasses and shrubs grow if left uncontrolled can lead terngganggunya staple crop. This is because weeds can become rivals in getting nutrients in the soil and can be the host or the persistence of plant pests. Too many Gulam growing in the crop will increase humidity in the garden, especially in the rainy season so that a suitable environment for the development of the cause of plant diseases, such as fungus. Therefore, the growth of weeds must be controlled regularly with the following objectives.
a. Staple crops free from competition for food.
b. Gardens of humidity so as to reduce the incidence of disease in staple crops.
c. Can suppress the development of pests which attack plants dapt staple.
e. Make it easier to perform maintenance activities, such as fertilization, pest control, and pruning.
d. Looks clean and well-maintained gardens.
Methods of weed control can be done with the following steps.
2. Weed Control
Weeds are wild plants, such as grasses and shrubs grow if left uncontrolled can lead terngganggunya staple crop. This is because weeds can become rivals in getting nutrients in the soil and can be the host or the persistence of plant pests. Too many Gulam growing in the crop will increase humidity in the garden, especially in the rainy season so that a suitable environment for the development of the cause of plant diseases, such as fungus. Therefore, the growth of weeds must be controlled regularly with the following objectives.
a. Staple crops free from competition for food. b. Gardens of humidity so as to reduce the incidence of disease in staple crops. c. Can suppress the development of pests which attack plants dapt staple. d. Looks clean and well-maintained gardens. e. Make it easier to perform maintenance activities, such as fertilization, pest control, and pruning. Methods of weed control can be done with the following steps. a. Weed control is done by mendangir soil around the plants in a radius of 0.75 cm.
2. Weed Control
b. Weed control can be done using a herbicide. When using herbicides, should be done very carefully so as not on staple crops because it can result in death of the plant. c. Weed control can be done at least 1-2 times a year, depending on the circumstances of weeds.
Weeds are wild plants, such as grasses and shrubs grow if left uncontrolled can lead terngganggunya staple crop. This is because weeds can become rivals in getting nutrients in the soil and can be the host or the persistence of plant pests. Too many Gulam growing in the crop will increase humidity in the garden, especially in the rainy season so that a suitable environment for the development of the cause of plant diseases, such as fungus. Therefore, the growth of weeds must be controlled regularly with the following objectives.

a. Staple crops free from competition for food.
b. Gardens of humidity so as to reduce the incidence of disease in staple crops.
c. Can suppress the development of pests which attack plants dapt staple.
d. Looks clean and well-maintained gardens.
e. Make it easier to perform maintenance activities, such as fertilization, pest control, and pruning.

Methods of weed control can be done with the following steps.

a. Weed control is done by mendangir soil around the plants in a radius of 0.75 cm.
b. Weed control can be done using a herbicide. When using herbicides, should be done very carefully so as not on staple crops because it can result in death of the plant.
c. Weed control can be done at least 1-2 times a year, depending on the circumstances of weeds.

2. Weed Control
Weeds are wild plants, such as grasses and shrubs grow if left uncontrolled can lead terngganggunya staple crop. This is because weeds can become rivals in getting nutrients in the soil and can be the host or the persistence of plant pests. Too many Gulam growing in the crop will increase humidity in the garden, especially in the rainy season so that a suitable environment for the development of the cause of plant diseases, such as fungus. Therefore, the growth of weeds must be controlled regularly with the following objectives.

a. Staple crops free from competition for food.
b. Gardens of humidity so as to reduce the incidence of disease in staple crops.
c. Can suppress the development of pests which attack plants dapt staple.
d. Looks clean and well-maintained gardens.
e. Make it easier to perform maintenance activities, such as fertilization, pest control, and pruning.

Methods of weed control can be done with the following steps.

a. Weed control is done by mendangir soil around the plants in a radius of 0.75 cm.
b. Weed control can be done using a herbicide. When using herbicides, should be done very carefully so as not on staple crops because it can result in death of the plant.
c. Weed control can be done at least 1-2 times a year, depending on the circumstances of weeds

3. Control of Plant Pests and Diseases
The occurrence of pests and plant diseases can slow plant growth and even death aloe plant. For example, diseases due to fungal attack which is not the establishment of a pig in a long time can kill plants.
Moth pest attacks severe enough can result in plants, especially the young ones become miserable so can result in death of the plant. Uret pests and termites are also quite dangerous because it causes damage to the roots and base of the tree. Therefore, control should be carried out routinely and regularly so as not to cause harm.
Control of pests and plant diseases should be carried out continuously until the plant reaches the age of 4-5 years. Implementation is done in accordance with the conditions of the insect. However, prevention efforts should always be made. Prevention of the occurrence of pests and diseases can be done by chemical or mechanical. Chemically precautions can be done by spraying pesticides and fungicides.
Prevention mechanically can be done in the following way.
a. Repairing water lines that draines lancer in the rainy season.
b. Adding and enhancing bumbunan principal soil around the plant.
c. Sowing of pesticides and fungicides around staple crops, at least one tablespoon per stem.
Some pests that often attack the aloe plant, among others, as follows.
c. Pest termites (Coptotermes sp.), Moving the skin and into the wood. Termite attack is often followed by the establishment of pig around the hole hoist.
a. Leaf-eating pests (Spodoptera sp.) On seedlings and mature plants. Pests can be controlled using the contact pesticide or sistemtik. b. Mealybugs, usually followed by Fusarium sp fungus attack. The pest can be controlled using a systemic pesticide.
Some diseases that can harm the aloe plant, among others, as follows.
a. Damping attacking in the nursery, caused by a fungus.
b. Downy mildew and curly, caused by a virus that attacks in the nursery and are transmitted by insects


Inoculation technique Agarwood

noculation technique GAHARU Spiral Systems Simple:
1. Inoculation
Inducer Bio Chemistry / Fusarium sp that inoculation to the network tree was actually disease-causing germs. Therefore it is against the agarwood trees produce resin called phytoalexin so germs do not spread to other tree network. Over time, the resin hardens corner angle xylem and phloem vessels - organs that distribute tree lightly browned and fragrant when burned.
Given the kinds of aloes-forming disease isolates vary according to climate and environmental conditions, then the inoculant providers need to do their prospective isolation diseases produce agarwood. The isolation is carried out on natural aloe plant is located in the forest area surrounding the development area. For this purpose, it should be preceded by field observations for studying aspects of aloes that grow naturally and isolate and identify the type of disease from infected trees.
In order to successfully develop an inoculant forming aloes, required a certain technique. For this, the indispensable role of local government agencies or institutions, universities, private entrepreneurs and investors or local area as the perpetrators of inoculant production. Stages in penginokulasian aloes, materials and equipment needed are:
70% alcohol to sterilize tools and wood drill hole results.
Wood drill with a minimum size of 10 mm, in accordance with trunk diameters greater the diameter the size of the larger drill, drill size commonly used size of 13 mm.
Genset capacity of 450 watts or 900 watts and power drill tool. Permanent marker to mark the point of the drill.
Masks, scissors and cotton.
Measuring instrument gauge for measuring the circumference rods and drill point distance of one another. Tweezers and injections according to the size of the drill.
Rubber gloves and inoculants Eaglewood.
Soft wax, plaster or tape, to seal the borehole.
reaching 8-10 cm.
The following reviews inoculation technique using solid and liquid inoculants.
a. Inoculation With Solid inoculants
Make a hole in the trunk of aloes wood by using a drill.
Agarwood tree inoculation technique uses solid inoculant as follows:
Drill hole diameter of about 0.8 to 13 mm. Optimal drilling depth need to be adjusted to the size of the diameter of the rod, usually around 5 cm. Each rod made a lot of holes spaced drill holes approximately 20 cm.
Clean hands perpetrators inoculation with water until clean and rinsed with alcohol prior to the inoculation.
Cover any holes that have been given inoculant for mnghindari entry of water into the hole. The closure of these holes is done with wooden pegs aloes. Closure can be done with the "wax"
Enter a solid inoculation into each hole. The amount of inoculant adjusted to the depth of the hole. As a rule, this income made up pit is filled with inoculant. In order for income to be easy, use a piece of wood or bamboo whose size corresponds to the diameter of the hole.
Workmanship by following the procedures below:
Measure the initial drilling point 1 meter above the ground. Mark with a marker. Then create another drilling point thereon to shift the horizontal direction as far as 15 cm and 15 cm vertical. in the same way to make the next point after being linked to form a spiral line.
Measure circle to get the rod diameter rod. Suppose circle 60 cm rod, calculate its diameter with the formula: circumference Circle = diameter x 3.14. example 60 cm = diameter x 3.14 mean = 60 cm stem diameter: 3,14 = 19.11 cm.
Enter into an injection inoculant with tweezers whose tip is cut, then enter the inoculant into the hole until it is full.
Make a hole as deep as 1/3 trunk diameter at the point of drilling that has been marked with a marker. Example: The depth of the borehole = stem diameter x 1/3 = 19.11 x 1/3 = 6.4 cm. Clean the drill holes with cotton that has been rinsed with alcohol.
7 (seven) months after injection of grab samples by drilling new holes 5 cm above the previous hole, if the drill results have been black powder or perfume or in accordance with the desired characteristics of the tree can be harvested already if it is not close back in the hole with wax. Signs began maximum results if aloes dried leaves 50% which usually occurs in 1.5 years to 2 years after the injection depending on the size of stem diameter, the larger diameter rod then leaves the longer the drying process.
Close the holes have been filled inoculant with wax so that no contaminants from other microbes. To prevent water from seeping wax surface resealed with tape or duct tape. Check the success of the injection after 3 months, how open plaster and wax and then peel back a bit of bark, if the stem was colored dark brown victimization means injecting succeed. Cover the hole with wax and plaster.
On the implementation of the agarwood trees penginokulasian this, be aware of the age and the diameter of the trunk. The minimum limit of a tree can be characterized by the inoculation tree starts flowering. Usually the age of the plant is approximately 4-5 years or diameter of the stem is
b. Inoculation With Liquid inoculants
Inoculation technique uses a liquid inoculant as follows:
Perform drilling at the base of a tree trunk with tilt down position. Drilling depth adapted to the diameter of the tree trunk, usually 1/3 diameter rods. While the drill bit used the same size with the IV tube about 0.5 cm. The infusion hose manufacturers usually provided at time of purchase inoculant inoculant. However, if not available, infusion hoses can be supplied by the farmers themselves.
Enter the IV line is on the bottle of liquid inoculant into the hole.
Adjust the amount of flow of the liquid inoculant. Stop infusion if a liquid inoculant flow already out of the hole.
Cover the hose around the edge of the infusion using the "wax".
Repeat settings infuse fluid inflow into the hole every 1-2 days, depending on the state of the fluid in the pit. The setting is done when the flow of holes no longer exist inoculation fluid.
Implement this penginokulasian up inoculant infusion liquid in the bottle is depleted. Penginokulasian repeated with a new inoculation bottle, if there are no signs of physical and physiological death.
2. Maintenance and Fertilization
Fertilizing should be done, especially in the low fertility of land. Fertilizer application can be done twice a year, with a size of 5 kg of fertilizer per tree. Cleaning the planting area also needs to be done in order to avoid the growth of weeds (plants), especially during the rainy season or 4 times a year.
3. Harvest and Post Harvest
Production of pig aloes will be formed after a 3 month treatment. It starts with the changing color of the wood around the injection into a textured brown and hard and smell fragrant. Harvesting can be done starting from the first year after penginokulasian by felling trees. The quality of pig aloes produced is directly proportional to the fertility rate and duration penginokulasian tree. The longer penginokulasian the higher the quality of the pig aloes produced. The pieces of pig aloes is removed from the timber which is not formed into the sapwood. Cleaning eucalyptus from sapwood require workers who have special skills, so it does not degrade the pig classes due to lack of skilled labor. Then do the sorting by class (Super, AB, BC, C1 and C2). To reduce the water content, the pieces of pig aloes dried by drying in the sun. For grade agarwood kemedangan than can be marketed directly can also be distilled to take the oil.

Subintegra | Benefits of Plants Aloes - Maybe some big From kita Still Not Know aloes wood, wood Yang skin berasl of aloes and usually grow well in tropical regions WITH altitude of 750 meters above sea level. Based on the findings of several research institutions, agarwood tree Growing WITH Good if the land could ditumbuhinya hardwood trees. And earlier Currently agarwood trees grow in this region, many of Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua.

Subintegra | Benefits of Plants Aloes - Maybe some big From kita Still Not Know aloes wood, wood Yang berasl From the bark of aloes and usually grow well in the area is Tropical WITH height of 750 meters from sea level. Based on the findings of several research Institutions, agarwood tree Growing WITH Good if the land Which can ditumbuhinya hardwood trees. And earlier Currently agarwood tree grows in the area is a lot of Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua.

The numerous benefits and high resale value make this aloes wood to be excellent for the farmers, not even just eaglewood who have economic value, for any leaf size can be made into a tea which is very nutritious.

Benefits of Tea Plant material Agarwood
- As an anti-oxidant
- Good Tuk people with insomnia / sleeplessness for tea aloes depress the central nervous system, causing a calming effect
- As for a hangover
- Helps degrading cholesterol stage
- Helps relieve tension / hiperten si / stress
- Helps reduce toxic in the body
- Reduce the levels of blood pressure and sugar on high

Agar Wood contains resin or mastic that emit distinctive aroma with fragrance. From the aroma eaglewood very popular even particularly liked by the people of countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, mainland China, Korea, and Japan so required as a raw material of the perfume industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, incense, and preservatives various types of accessories as well as for religious activities, agarwood has long been familiar to the Buddhists, and Hindus.

Here are some benefits that can be drawn from eaglewood
- Aloes wood as a raw material Dupa (makmul) and Hio and can be used as material for aroma therapy
- Aloes wood as a raw material medicines and perfume / fragrance
- Aloes wood as a raw material for making agarwood oil, Soap, Shampoo fragrant and various beauty products
- Aloes wood as raw material for craft and carving